Foreign students information

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Having its roots in the “School for Land Surveyors” and in the “The School of Bridges, Roads and Mines” founded in Bucharest in 1818 and 1867, respectively, UTCB’s actual basic structure was established in 1948. It is the only Romanian university entirely devoted to education in civil engineering and the related fields, having a long history of successful contributions in Romanian research and education.

With a competitive and well recognised academic staff, UTCB is a major actor in Romanian higher education, research, consultancy and design codes regulations.

Following the institutional evaluation performed by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) – member of ENQA, UTCB received a High Confidence Rating.

University units

UTCB has seven faculties covering all specialties related to the construction industry.

The first 6 are providing degree programmes in Romanian language, a preparatory year for language proficiency being compulsory.

Degree programmes in foreign languages are provided as follows:

Teaching and research activities are organized in 22 Academic Departments and 18 Research Centres.

Education Offer in engineering

To be enrolled in the first cycle, candidates should hold a Baccalaureate degree or equivalent. For the second cycle, candidates should hold al Bachelor degree with at least 240 credits ECTS.

Bachelor programmes in Romanian Language

Bachelor programmes in foreign languages

Master Programmes in Romanian Language

Master Programmes in foreign languages

PhD studies

To be enrolled, the candidates for PhD studies have to previously accumulate the equivalent of 300 credits ECTS (as graduates of a Master degree in engineering or as graduates of a long-duration programme of 5 years).

UTCB offers PhD studies in the following domains:

1. Civil engineering and Building Services

with research subjects as: Fundamental sciences in civil engineering, Mechanic of structures, Earthquake engineering and safety of structures, Urban engineering and regional development, Civil engineering, Communication ways, Bridges and tunnels, Railways, roads and airfields, Reinforced concrete structures, Steel structures, Geotechnical and foundation engineering, Water Supply and sewerage, Water treatment, Waste water treatment, Hydraulic structures, Land reclamation, Hydraulics and fluid mechanics, Hydrology, hydrogeology and water management, Investment project management, Construction investment efficiency, Indoor environmental quality, Acoustics of buildings and installations, Energy of buildings and installations, Geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry and remote sensing.

2. Mechanical engineering

with research subjects as: Heat engineering, Construction machineries and equipment, Technical mechanics and vibrations.

Candidates for PhD studies should pass an admission exam in the chosen speciality, as well as a foreign language test. The PhD studies are organized as a full time (intra-mural) programme with a normal duration of 3 years, which can be extended, exceptionally, up to 5 years. During the first 2 years students have to attend lectures of advanced studies and to elaborate 3 research reports.

Activities within the doctoral programme can be carried out either in Romanian or in a foreign language (English or French).

Education Offer in applied modern languages

As a humanities complement, UTCB ensures the education of students in the field of Applied Modern Languages within the specialization of Translation and Interpretation. Students are trained in non-literary translation and interpretation (scientific and technical field, economics, law, etc.). Thus, at the end of the 3-year Bachelor studies or 2-year Master studies, our students can integrate themselves into their professional life, having the opportunity to choose to work either as freelancers or to be employed by other types of companies from various fields.

To be enrolled in the first cycle, candidates should hold a Baccalaureate degree or equivalent. For the second cycle, candidates should hold al Bachelor degree with at least 180 ECTS.

Bachelor programmes in applied modern languages

• Translation and interpretation (English, French, German, Spanish)

Master programmes in applied modern languages

• Specialized translation and interpretation (English, French, German, Spanish)

Credit system

UTCB applies the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) with 60 credits assigned to each academic year.


The research work is carried out by the teaching staff, a number of research employees and the Master and PhD students. The contractual and financial administration of the research activity is coordinated by the Department for Research and Development, in close cooperation with the didactic departments. The infrastructure mainly consists in the laboratories assigned to the following 18 research centres:

Academic calendar 2019 – 2020

The academic year starts on Monday 1st of October and continues through the year until mid July, with holiday breaks in December (for Christmas), February (between the semesters) and April (for Easter). Each semester has 14 weeks of didactic activities followed by 4 weeks exams sessions. Details of the academic schedule are given here.

Figures and facilities

UTCB enrols in the academic year 2018 – 2019 over 6000 students, divided among the 3 cycles, Bachelor, Master and PhD. The teaching staff counts over 330 members scattered between the 22 Academic Departments. The headquarters and the main campus of UTCB is located in Bucharest, 124 Lacul Tei Boulevard. The university is hosted in 14 buildings covering an area of over 33000 m2. Students can live in one of the 6 residence buildings (dormitories) with a total capacity of 2400 places; the campus has a student’s restaurant (cafeteria) with a capacity of 500 seats. Students have free internet access, provided in all academic activity areas and residential halls.

International Relations

Over the years UTCB has been:

Since 2001 UTCB has a Double Diploma agreement with l’École des Ponts – ParisTech (ENPC), being the only technical university in Romania that benefits on such a protocol. Up to now a total of 52 UTCB’s graduates hold the ENPC diploma.

Nowadays, UTCB:


Tuition fees – Bachelor and Master studies
non-EU citizens: 2430 EUROS/academic year
EU, SEE and Swiss Confederation citizens: 4500 lei/academic year (except the bachelor programme for applied modern languages for which the fee is 3600 lei/academic year).

Tuition fees – PhD studies
non-EU citizens: 2610 EUROS/academic year
EU citizens : 5000 RON/academic year


Tel./fax: +40-21-2433630





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