Project development fund

UTCB \ Project development fund

EU-CONEXUS ambition

The European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (EU‐CONEXUS) is a transnational European higher education and research alliance addressing global and local challenges by tackling coastal environmental, technical, economic and societal needs. EU-CONEXUS is a fully-fledged university. It offers education, training, study programmes, performs research and links with socio- economic actors for supporting innovation.

EU-CONEXUS Community brings together researchers, teachers and students from the different partner institutions and aims to increase and support the implementation of joint projects between them in the framework of funded collaborative projects by creating a Project Development Fund.

Objectives of the project development fund

Research & academic teams from EU-CONEXUS partner universities can apply for funding through the Project Development Fund in order to develop collaborative education, research and innovation projects to be submitted in response to calls for proposals under European programmes that do not exclude the participation of any partner university (for instance, Horizon Europe or Erasmus + programmes).

The project development fund will support the development of these proposals (hereinafter Proposals) and increase the participation of EU-CONEXUS Plus partners in education, research and innovation calls for proposals (hereinafter Project proposals) by giving the opportunity to enhance the quality of the proposals through consultancy support exclusively.

A two-step-evaluation will take place:

At least 3 researchers or academics from 3 different EU-CONEXUS Plus full partner universities must be involved in the project proposal (other organisations cannot be part of this core group).

The project leader does not necessarily have to be a EU-CONEXUS partner university.

The identification of the European call for proposals and a draft project proposal summary are required.

The call must be relevant for the EU-CONEXUS thematic framework of SmUCS (Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability).

The project proposal must be submitted to the identified call for proposals. Reimbursement of funds will be asked to the project leader host institution if the proposal is not submitted.

Only one application per call can be accepted.

The proposals have to be presented to the supervising administrative structures of the project teams of each partner university involved and receive their respective seal of approval. Reimbursement of funds will be asked to the project leader if the proposal is not approved.

Evaluation criteria

The proposal will be assessed with regards to 4 main criteria:

Funding criteria

Selection rules


The project leader has to send the completed application form (Annex 1) to the EU- CONEXUS Project Development Support Office at the following email address: projects@eu-

Applications to the Project Development Fund can be submitted continuously. European project proposals must be submitted to the identified European call before until October 31st, 2026 or until the funds are exhausted.

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