22 July 2022

? The specialists of the Technical University of Civil Engineering will technically evaluate and measure the carbon footprint of the 19 hospitals administered by ASSMB.

? Today, a Framework Protocol of Collaboration was signed between ASSMB and the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB), which aims to assess the technical condition of the buildings belonging to the 19 health units administered by the Bucharest City Hall, through ASSMB, as well as to study the impact that the functioning of hospitals currently has on the carbon footprint.

? The protocol establishes the general framework of collaboration in order to increase the safety of medical spaces and find sustainable solutions that reduce the impact on the carbon footprint, being from this point of view an example of good practices that can be taken over by other local public administrations in the country.

? On behalf of ASSMB , the signing ceremony was attended by the general director, Cristian PLUTĂ, and the deputy general director, Oana SIVACHE, and on behalf of UTCB the protocol was signed by the rector of the higher education institution, prof. univ. Dr. Ing. Radu VĂCĂREANU.

The intention is to have a system-wide analysis for the hospitals that are under the administration of Bucharest municipality, on several important criteria: seismic risk, energy efficiency and fire protection. Following this system analysis, we will be able to see what the priorities of intervention are. Because the moment you want to make an investment, to increase the resistance to earthquake, to fire, or to increase the energy efficiency of a building, with the same amount of money you can get a stronger, or less powerful effect. In other words, a diagnostic analysis at the system level will allow ASSMB to prioritize investments in a much more judicious way” – Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Radu VĂCĂREANU, Rector of the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest

? An important area of the collaboration between ASSMB and UTCB will also be the identification of funding for projects dedicated to improving the quality of medical services offered to Bucharest residents, through specific proposals based on the results of the technical evaluation of hospitals, carried out by UTCB experts.

The collaboration we are starting today with the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest has the potential to become a model of good practices at national level, being about ensuring the safest possible operating conditions in hospitals and finding solutions for an efficient and sustainable activity, in balance with the environment. These steps will certainly be reflected in a better quality of medical services provided to Bucharest residents. We promised that for ASSMB, investments in the modernization of hospitals are the zero priority and we keep our word!” – Oana SIVACHE, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER ASSMB.

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