Scholarships and fees

UTCB \ Discover \ For students \ Scholarships and fees

Regulament burse  – update 13.11.2020


Amount of scholarships for the academic year 2020-2021:

Scholarship award procedure

Performance scholarships – are granted at the proposal of the deans of the faculties, proposals that are subsequently approved by the Board of Directors of UTCB. The period allocated to this process is October 11-21, 2020. After establishing the students who receive this type of scholarship, they will complete online the declaration according to Annex 6 of the scholarship regulations, will sign it handwritten and will bring it to the faculty secretariat by of November 2, 2020, or send it by courier.

Merit Scholarships 1 and 2 – are awarded to students based on their learning performance, according to the established amount of the scholarship and the total fund for the series from a particular specialization in a year of study. The total fund related to the study series is determined in proportion to the number of students of the series from the total scholarship fund of the university. The lists of students eligible for this type of scholarship will be displayed on 16.10.2020 on the websites of each faculty. After finalizing the list of students receiving this type of scholarship, they will complete online the declaration according to Annex 7 of the scholarship regulations, sign it in handwriting and bring it to the faculty secretariat by November 2, 2020, or can send it by courier.

Special scholarships – are granted at the proposal of the deans of the faculties, proposals that are subsequently approved by the Board of Directors of UTCB. The period allocated to this process is October 11-20, 2020. After establishing the students who receive this type of scholarship, they will complete online the declaration according to Annex 6 of the scholarship regulations, sign it in handwriting and bring it to the faculty secretariat by of November 2, 2020, or send it by courier.

Social assistance scholarships – between 7 and 27 October 2020, the files for social scholarships are submitted to the secretariats of the faculties according to the scholarship regulations. The files must be completed in full and brought in person to the secretariats of the faculties for verification. Between October 28 and 30 2020, the lists of students who benefit from this type of scholarship will be finalized. We ask students to carefully check the regulations to find out the type of social assistance scholarship they are applying for, as well as the documents that must be included in the scholarship file. The application and the declaration to be completed for this type of scholarship are in the part of the annexes to the scholarship regulations. For social assistance scholarships, we will return with updated information on the content of the file on October 7, 2020.

The document transport service from FAN Courier is free for all students who wish to send declarations for obtaining performance, merit and special scholarships signed in handwriting. All you have to do is log on you make an account, call the courier and send the declaration to Bulevardul Lacul Tei 122-124, recipient Technical University of Constructions Bucharest – Rectorate UTCB and specify that the payment is made to the recipient. The statement can be found in the scholarship regulations.


The full list of fees can be found here:

The registration fee can be paid securely online with the card here:

The registration fee can also be paid directly to the university account with the following payment details:

The registration fee is paid by all students in the first year of the bachelor and the first year of the master (125 lei), as well as by students who re-enroll (225 lei).

The deadline for payment is 12 October 2020.

The tuition fee can be paid securely online with the card here:

The tuition fee can also be paid directly to the university account with the following payment details:

The tuition fee for foreign undergraduate or master’s students, in the amount of 2630 euros, is paid directly to the UTCB euro account:

The deadline for payment is 16 October 2020.

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