Academic year 2021 – 2022

10 September 2021

[Procedure for accommodation in dormitories – update 21.09.2021]

The students’ distributions in dormitories will be displayed on 23 September 2021 at 20.00 

The list will be arranged alphabetically and will contain the name of the student and the dormitory where he was assigned. The room number cannot be displayed due to the protection of personal data.

Dormitory room check in program:

24 – 26 September 2021 – 09.00 – 14.00 hrs

From September 24, starting with 09.00 hrs , it is possible to check in  the dormitory rooms. 

The rooms are picked up from the dormitory where the student was assigned.

• Dormitory 3 –  29 Inginerilor Tei Street 

• Dormitory 4 – 11 Inginerilor Tei Street

• Dormitory 5 – 122-124 Lacul Tei Boulevard, entrance on Cristea Mateescu Street

• Dormitory 7 – 24 Oteșani Street, Block T29

Entry into the building is based on the European COVID digital certificate or the SARS-CoV-2 test (antigen test or RT-PCR test performed in a center approved or recognized by the Ministry of Health). For visitors or people who come to help the student move to the dormitory, access is only allowed on the basis of the European COVID digital certificate. Visitors can enter the dormitory only after the student has taken over his room so that the guard at the dormitory can enter in the guest book the room where the visitor goes.

The student will receive a bracelet for the period of accommodation, and visitors will receive a bracelet of a different color and will have to follow the visiting schedule 08.00 – 15.00. It is forbidden for visitors to stay overnight in the dormitory.

24 September at 14.00 – dormitory rooms can no longer be taken over

On 25 and 26 September the program is the same as the one presented above as an example for 24 September.

Students who have marked in the accommodation application “the accommodation fee subsidy” must bring the supporting documents to the accommodation as follows:

• if the parent I a teacher: certificate from the parent’s place of work (if is retired, must present a copy of the work card or a certificate stating that the parent has worked in the field for at least 10 years)

• Deceased parents: copy of the death certificate

• Placed: placement decision

Students who have not completed the questionnaire by the deadline of 20 September 2021 at 14.00, will have another questionnaire (available from September 24 here:

which will be considered after 27 September for the number of seats remaining.

The payment of the accommodation fee corresponding to the first month is paid after 23 September at 20.00 hrs after the display of the distributions on the dormitories.

Students who have completed the questionnaire and do not show up to take over the dormitory room until 26 September or have not made a reservation of accommodation, lose their place and accommodation for the academic year 2021 – 2022. Those who wish to give up the accommodation request can do this by email at in which it must state the fact that the accommodation is given up, name, surname and CNP.

The reservation of the accommodation place is made by an email to specifying the date on which the dormitory room will be taken over and also the payment of the accommodation rate for the first month during the accommodation period (after September 23). at 20.00).

[Beginning of the academic year 2021 – 2022 – update 16.09.2021]

The educational activities of teaching and evaluating students, as well as the completion of studies exams will take place in a face-to-face system (Scenario 1 – Daily participation with physical presence of all students / trainees in the university in compliance with all provisions of the UTCB Guide on setting up the sanitary and protection measures and the rules imposed by the applicable legislation in force) for students enrolled in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies in all years of study, as well as for foreign citizens enrolled in the Romanian Language Preparation Year program and of the students of the Non-university Tertiary College. 

The exceptions are the courses educational activities which will take place online. Other exceptions to this scenario may be approved by the UTCB Administration Board, at the justified proposals of the Faculties, the Doctoral School, the Department for Teaching Staff Training, the Non-university Tertiary College.

For students in the final years of studies, for the elaboration of diploma projects, bachelor’s / dissertation works, face-to-face interaction between supervising teachers and students is possible, provided there is mutual agreement, in compliance with all provisions of the UTCB Guide on setting up of sanitary and protection measures and the rules imposed by the applicable legislation in force. In the absence of mutual agreement, the interaction between the co-ordinating teachers and the students will take place online.

The student practice activity will take place in Scenario 2 – Participation in the mixed system, in compliance with all the provisions of the UTCB Guide on setting up of sanitary and protection measures and the rules imposed by the applicable legislation in force. The UTCB Administration Board and the UTCB Senate will analyze weekly (on the last working day of the week) the epidemiological context, or when the cumulative incidence rate in the last 14 days of the cases in Bucharest of 6 per thousand inhabitants is exceeded, and will update the applied scenarios.

Questions and answers 

When does the check-in start? On September 23, the list of distributions on rooms in dormitories is displayed, and between September 24-26, the distributed room can be checked in. 

What can it be done if a student cannot check-in the dorm room on September 24-26? The student can fill in the comments of the accommodation request or send an email to and specify the date when the check-in can be done. In addition to the request for payment delay, the fee for the first month must also be paid. 

When and where can the accommodation rate be paid?The recommendation is to pay through the UTCB platform dedicated to fees payment, in order to have a quick record of these. On this page you will also find the bank account where transfers can be made. Payment for the first month of accommodation can be done after the accommodation lists are displayed on September 23, when the student can clearly learn which is its distributed place. 

Can a student give up the dorm room if switching to the online system? Yes, but the rate for the current month remains paid in full. 

What happens to the distributed room if the student gives up the place and then the situation reverts to the face to face system and wishes to return to the dorm?Apply again and you will receive an available room. We cannot guarantee that your room has not been assigned to another student in the meantime

[Accommodation questionnaire in UTCB dormitories – update 11.09.2021]

The questionnaire can be completed here:

[Accommodation in UTCB dormitories – information updated 10.09.2021]

The room accommodation fees approved by the Administration Council and proposed for approval by the UTCB Senate for the date of September 23 are:

The proposed accommodation rates are non-subsidized and are valid for one room. This fee is divided by the number of students in the room and the corresponding subsidy is deducted for each, if any. In the academic year 2020 – 2021, the subsidy was 160 lei per student. The accommodation fee for the first month is half of the accommodation fees of a room without subvention lei and is paid online starting with September 23, 2021, at 8 pm, before taking over the dormitory room. This advance fee will not be paid by foreign scholarship students of the Romanian state, as well as by orphan students.

Rules for accommodation in UTCB dormitories in the academic year 2021-2022 according to the Decision of the Administration Council dated 09.09.2021

These rules are only applicable during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

1. Accommodation in UTCB dormitories is made only for persons who:

The epidemiological triage is done when the persons responsible for it take over the dormitory room. Students accommodated on the basis of the SARS-CoV-2 * test, after taking over the room, have the obligation to bring to the administrator, every 7 days, a new approved SARS-CoV-2 * test.

2. Visits of students accommodated on the UTCB campus, outside the dormitory where they were assigned, are allowed between 8.00 and 22.00.

3. Visits to the UTCB dormitories of persons not accommodated in them are allowed between 8.00 – 15.00 only on the basis of the European COVID digital certificate against SARS-CoV-2 which is scanned at the entrance to the dormitory. The person is also registered in the visitors’ register, and the responsibility for its actions lies with the person accommodated in the UTCB dormitory. As an exception, for UTCB students not accommodated in the university dormitories, visits can be made between 8.00 and 22.00, the access being made until 15.00 for the verification of the European digital COVID certificate.

4. Article 32 of the Regulation on the organization and operation of student dormitories and canteens of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest is not applicable until 31.12.2021. The decision regarding the application of this article 32 is modified depending on the evolution of the disease rate in the Municipality of Bucharest, rate communicated weekly by DSPMB.

5. The UTCB dormitories can accommodate a maximum of two people in a room. At the request of students it is possible to accommodate three people in a room provided that they are from the same faculty, year of study, specialization and series.

6. For the infringement of points 1 to 3 of this Decision, the sanction of Article 40 of the same Regulation shall apply: Violation of the Articles of this Decision shall be sanctioned in the first phase with a warning, and for recidivism it is sanctioned with the loss of the right to stay in UTCB dormitories for the current academic year, with the exception of article 33 of the Regulation on the organization and operation of student dormitories and canteens of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.

* SARS-CoV-2 test means an antigen test or an RT-PCR test performed in a center approved or recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Extract from the Regulation on the organization and operation of student dormitories and canteens from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.

Art. 32 In case of accommodation during the state of alert, necessity or urgency, when the risk of contamination with a SARS-COV2 virus in the dormitories belonging to UTCB is high, the trips within the dormitory / dormitories will be limited and visitors will be forbidden external. To solve some administrative problems, access is allowed in the ground floor-administration area, between 08.00-15.00 from Monday to Friday. External visitors are allowed to enter the UTCB dormitories only on the basis of the presentation at the entrance to the dormitory of the evidence (in physical or electronic format) of vaccination against the SARS-COV2 virus.

Art. 33 For the violation of the provisions inscribed in the present regulation, the following sanctions will be applied, depending on the gravity of the deviations:

Art. 40 The violation of article 32 is sanctioned in the first phase with a warning, and for recidivism it is sanctioned with the loss of the right to accommodation in UTCB dormitories for the current academic year, with the exception of article 33.


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