Caravana ASCB-UTCB started its activity in over 60 high schools in 16 counties in Romania

1 March 2023

The students of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, members of the Association of Civil Engineering Students from Bucharest – ASCB, are organizing, between February 27 and March 10, an extensive campaign to promote UTCB’s educational offer and the unique European opportunities that the university offers, through membership of the EU-CONEXUS European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability.

This year, the Caravana ASCB-UTCB reaches over 60 high schools in 16 counties in Romania and in the city of Bucharest. Current students and prospective students can thus make an informed decision about choosing a career in the vital field of civil engineering, having the unique opportunity to interact directly with ASCB-UTCB representatives.

The project aims to inform students about the educational offers and facilities offered by the seven faculties of UTCB, as well as presenting the numerous employment opportunities for graduates of these specializations. In this way, future students can find out, from the high school desks, which faculty suits them best and what student life at UTCB really means. At the same time, they are informed about the trademark projects of the student association – those with an educational, charitable profile, as well as those organized directly with the most prestigious construction companies in Romania. Students are also informed about the European and international opportunities that the university puts at their disposal, in its quality as a founding member of EU-CONEXUS. The European Universities Alliance aims to train future specialists in the field of blue economy, blue growth, smart urban coastal sustainability and smart cities, by organizing a wide spectrum of events, study programs and various forms of mobility. So, even if students only enroll in UTCB, they can actually enjoy the benefits offered by all 8 universities that are part of the alliance, listed on the EU-CONEXUS website.

This year Caravana supports, for the first time, the information campaign of the EU-CONEXUS Week in Schools, part of the EU-CONEXUS University to School Programme, aimed at bringing to the students’ attention the most important benefits and opportunities for a future student, brought by this European Consortium of Universities.

Dragoș Butnaru, second-year student at the Faculty of Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Engineering and Project Manager of this year’s edition, claims that the uniqueness of Caravana ASCB-UTCB lies in the interaction between current UTCB students and high school pupils, more precisely in the flow of valuable information, which the representatives of the university and the association offer annually.

„Every year, this project shows to us the importance of maintaining this vital link, between the current UTCB students and high school pupils from Romania. At the same time, it offers us the ideal opportunity to tackle, on a large scale, the most important reasons why pupils should choose to start their careers at UTCB”, says Alexandru Ioniță, President of the Students Association.

We invite the interested public to access the ASCB website and follow the association’s activity for more details about this project dedicated to Romanian high school pupils.

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