
UTCB \ Discover \ For students \ Accommodations

The campus of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest consists of 4 student dormitories, a university restaurant and a multi-purpose sports hall. In the immediate vicinity of the Campus there are three recreational parks: Tei Lake Park, equipped with the most modern amusement and leisure complex in Bucharest, Plumbuita Park, with an old cultural and sports tradition and Circus Park, a cozy oasis of peace and relaxation in the center of the capital. The UTCB student campus has modernized dormitories (2500 places), equipped with free internet services. Students can dine, at reasonable cost, at the university restaurant. The amount of accommodation and meal costs is less than the minimum amount of scholarships granted by the University to students. Various sports, fitness, aerobics and dance are available in the gym.

Accommodation in UTCB dormitories academic year 2023-2024

The application form for accommodation in UTCB dormitories is available at this address: Foreign students can choose English and French at the top of the questionnaire.

Accommodation contracts for the summer period have been concluded until 15 September 2023. Dormitory relocations must be made by 20 September according to the new accommodation lists. Students who are not assigned to the first version of the lists are asked to identify accommodation solutions outside the dormitories.

Accommodation calendar

Dormitory addresses:

Visitors can enter the dormitory only after the student has taken his room so that the security of the dormitory can write in the visitors’ book the room where he goes and they will have to respect the visiting schedule 08.00 – 15.00. It is forbidden for visitors to stay overnight in the dormitory.

Students who have filled in the questionnaire and do not report to the dormitory room pick-up by 24 September or have not made a reservation of their accommodation, will lose their allocated place and their right to accommodation for the academic year 2023 – 2024. Those who wish to withdraw their application for accommodation may do so by sending an email to providing the fact that they wish to do so, their name, surname and ID number. Reservation of accommodation is made by an email to specifying the date on which the dormitory room will be taken over and also payment of the accommodation fee for the first month during the accommodation period and proof of payment (after 19 September 20.00).

Payment of the dormitory is made in advance for each month. Students who do not pay the dormitory fee and are more than one month in arrears lose their accommodation. Students who wish to relinquish their accommodation pay in full for the month in which they wish to relinquish their accommodation. If a student stays alone in a room, he/she must make a written request to the social service to identify a roommate. For the period during which a roommate is not identified, the student who has remained alone pays the full dormitory fee.

Requests from students who have left the dormitory without a Proces Verbal de Rendición or who are in debt for the payment of the room rate will NOT be considered for dormitory distribution.

Proposed unsubsidized room rates for UTCB dorms for the UTCB Board of Directors and Senate are:

Half of the unsubsidized room rate is paid for accommodation at the level of the rates proposed for approval, and in the following months the rate will be adjusted according to the surplus paid at the beginning, if any, with the understanding that for the additional days of accommodation in September (period between the date of accommodation and 01 October 2023), the approved/valid subsidized rates will also apply from October.

Accommodation rates to be paid in the first month:

It is recommended to pay the hostel fees online by clicking on this link:

Subsidy for hostels

Students benefiting from the dormitory grant:

The grant for students (grant with coefficient 1) is 175 lei.

How is the accommodation fee calculated? (examples)

The room rate is divided by the number of tenants and the corresponding amount is reduced by the subsidy if there is one (see subsidy categories above).

Students who receive a subsidy with a coefficient of 2 are understood to have free accommodation if they are accommodated in dormitory 3 or 4 in standard 3-person rooms, i.e. if the accommodation rate is 960 lei and 3 students are accommodated in the room they receive a subsidy of 320 lei. If they are accommodated in rooms with only one other person (two students in the room) they pay the difference of 480 lei – 320 lei subsidy, i.e. 160 lei. Also, if students choose to stay in dormitories where the room rate is higher than 960 lei, i.e. 1230 lei, they pay the difference:

Students who receive a subsidy with a coefficient of 2 on the accommodation rate must bring the following documents to the accommodation

Accommodation fees to be paid in the first month by the above mentioned categories of students:

Finally, please bear in mind that the dormitory is a community where preferences are very different and excesses are not tolerated by the majority. Pest control and fumigation in dormitories is not a choice you can make, it is mandatory. The reception and handover of rooms must be done at least under the same conditions.

Payment of dormitory fees is recommended to be done online by going to this link:

Do you have problems or questions?

You can contact the Social Service every day from Monday to Friday between 10.00 and 14.00 at the following phone number: 0771.646.652

Halls of residence C3 and C4

The C3 hall has 185 rooms and a capacity of approximately 370 – 550 accommodation places.

The C4 hall has 185 rooms and a capacity of approximately 370 – 550 accommodation places.

The bathrooms are common to each module, which consists of 2 rooms.

Hall of residence C5

The C5 hall has 54 rooms and a capacity of approximately 100 – 150 accommodation places.

The bathrooms are individual, located in each room.

Hall of residence C7

The C7 hall has 189 rooms and a capacity of approximately 370 – 550 accommodation places. Rooms are studio type and each has its own balcony, bathroom and kitchen.

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