DivAirCity organizes its Pan-European Contest!

7 December 2022

Who can participate?

The contest is open to any young person in the EU aged between 13 and 19 who will group in teams.

A team will be composed of minimum 2 young people (aged 13-19) + an adult over the age of 18 (teacher, care-taker, trainer, parent, etc) as a mentor.

What do you have to do?

Organised in teams, youngsters will have to design one of the five cities in DivAirCity using green spaces and the so-called Nature Based Solutions.

They will have to use their creativity to design a space that is comfortable, healthy, safe and appropriate for their needs and lifestyles.


The team will participate by first having to choose one of the 5 pilot cities which will be the center of the work: Aarhus, Bucharest, Castellon, Orvieto and Potsdam, and analyse its challenges, focusing on air pollution and social inclusion.

Find out more in our Guidelines

You can Register here


Deadline of Team Registrations – 10th of January 2023

Submission Deadline – 5th of April 2023

Announcement of National Awards – May 2023

Announcement of international and Audience Awards – June 2023

Award Ceremony in Brussels – TBA 2023

About the DivAirCity Project

DivAirCity is a 4 year project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, within the scope of the Sustainable Development Goals, valuing diversity and social inclusion to achieve innovative, creative, culture- driven, green and carbon neutral urban society.

DivAirCity addresses the equation of social inequality, health conditions and air pollution in cities.

You can read more about the Project here.


Each city jury will select the best project, which will be presented both locally and in Brussels. The 5 city winners will then compete for the international award.

A parallel competition will be launched on social media and will select the best proposal in terms of public engagement of public and creativity; more information will follow so stay tuned.

The city, international and audience winning teams will be awarded during a ceremony in Brussels (Belgium) in which they will present their project to European Commission’s officials.

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