final of the THINK SMART, CREATE GREEN international school competition
Wednesday, April 14, the final national stage for Romania of the THINK SMART,
CREATE GREEN International School Competition took place, organized by
international competition was dedicated to high-school students who want to
become the creators of the future in which we all want to live. The works
consisted in presenting the ideas and aspirations about the future of the
coastal city that each team chose, in the form of a poster or video.
Nationally, students from schools in Bucharest and Ilfov, belonging to two age
categories (13-14 years and 14-15 years) entered the competition and submitted their
projects online.
Category 13-14 years
Group 1: Școala Gimnazială Pia Brătianu, team members: Radu Vlad Alexandru, Petrescu Bianca, Andrei Yannis, Popârlan Gabriel și coordonată de profesorul Mircioagă Nectara Elena with the project: Smart recycle bin
Group 2: Colegiul Național ,,Grigore Moisil”, team members: Balea Andreea-Bianca, Răducanu Maria, Țigău Alexandru, Pasăre Luca-Sebastian and coordinated by professor Ionescu Camelia with the project: Strategies for sustainable development in Mangalia
Group 3: Scoala gimnaziala “Maria Rosetti”, team members: Greu Ioana Alexandra, Diaconescu Mara Alexandra, Cristea Miriam, Costinea Maria Ștefania and coordinated by professor Tufaru Aurora-Roxana with the project: Great expectations
Group 4: Școala Gimnazială Nr.195, team members: Burcea Victor-Mihai, Ciobanu Carmen-Teodora, Hoffman Ingrid, Chiriță Vlad-Gabriel and coordinated by professor Vlădan Maria with the project: Think smart, create green
Group 5: Școala Gimnazială Nr.116, team members: Radu Yasminne Denisa, Giogu Teodora Yvonne, Ioan Sebastian, Băduț Alexandru and coordinated by professor Damean Nicoleta with the project: Think green, act green
Group 6: Ita Wegman Bilingual Theoretical High School, team members: Bebu Matei, Pantilimonescu Catrinel, Soleymani-Khan Daria, Neculcea Melina and coordinated by professor Cristache Ileana with the project: Giving a life after life
Group 7: Ita Wegman Bilingual Theoretical High School, team members: Miron Matei, Voicu Maria Teodora, Vasilescu Clara, Antemia Anes and coordinated by professor Cristache Ileana with the project: The new Eforie
Group 8: Colegiul Național ”Gheorghe Lazăr”, team members: Negre Briana-Maria, Coțofană Ioana, Lamasz Ana-Sofia, Ștefan Catrina-Maria and coordinated by professor Gheorghiu Dorina with the project: Constanța city of the ecological future
Category 14-15 years
Group 1: Liceul Teoretic “Dante Alighieri”, team members: Chiarelli Giuseppe, Duica Cristina Andreea, Ion Roxana Daniela, Urzica Ilinca Teodora and coordinated by professor Cojoc Gabriel Decebal with the project: Finbin-easy recycling
Group 2: Ita Wegman Bilingual Theoretical High School, team members: Pop Andreea Miruna, Stoica Iuliana, Gârleanu Nicoleta Karina, Crăciun Cristiana Daniela and coordinated by professor Ileana with the project: The smart Urban Coastal sustainability: Mangalia Area
Group 3: Colegiul Național “Matei Basarab”, team members: Asadollahi Sarina, Serafim Mario Cristian, Pamacai Andrei Filip, Cojocaru Maria Alexandra and coordinated by professor Petre Florin-Bogdan with the project: Mangalia city
Group 4: Colegiul Național Gheorghe Lazar, team members: Bechi Yasmine Cristina, Nicorici Irina, Mocanu Eva, Ciobanu Mara Elena and coordinated by professor Petre Florin-Bogdan with the project: Raising awarness on coastal cities
Group 5: Colegiul Național ”Grigore Moisil”, team members: Gușiță Mihnea Costin, Iacobescu Ruxandra Maria, Feraru Rareș Sebastian, Forsea Sergiu Gabriel and coordinated by professor Costeniuc Iuliana with the project: Coastal Area Techirghiol.
The judging commission from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest was formed by
Maria Goga, professor UTCB
Cristiana Croitoru, professor UTCB
Alina Kasprovschi, Fundația Comunitară București
Ioana Teodorescu, EU-CONEXUS
Catalina Neagoe, Student board UTCB & EU-CONEXUS
Commission awarded the first scores according to criteria that analyse the
quality of the work, compliance with established rules, creativity and
originality, how the sustainable development of the environment was approached
in the project, the ability to present the project in English (fluency and
clarity). All teams went to the next stage of English project presentation in
front of the jury for a maximum of 10 minutes. The event took place online, and
the latest scores were given depending on how they were presented.
All the
projects in the competition were creative, the high-school students made a
consistent effort to achieve them and enjoyed the process they went through.
The scores were very close, but the winners were:
for the age category 13-14 the project “Strategies for sustainable development in Mangalia”
for the age category 14-15 years the project “Coastal Area Techirghiol”
The winning
teams, one for each age category, will move on to the international stage,
where they will have to submit their projects to an EU-CONEXUS international
jury, consisting of one member from each EU-CONEXUS partner country and others.
competition ends with numerous prizes: at national level students will receive
certificates of participation and sustainable gifts EU-CONEXUS and
internationally a trip to an EU-CONEXUS city or Brussels (Belgium), with a
guided visit to the European Parliament, depending on the age category.
crossed for the Romanian teams to win the final international stage!