EU-CONEXUS Underwater Archeology Practical Course on Ilovik island, Croatia

26 October 2022

This month, two UTCB students had the great opportunity to participate in the practical part from Introduction to Underwater Archeology Course on Ilovik island, in Croatia, as part of their EU-CONEXUS Minor Programme experience. Congratulations to Tamara Sechila and David Luca!


This practical course is hosted, for the 2nd time, by our partners from the alliance, University of Zadar, under the mentorship of Associate Professor, Irene Radić Rossi, from the Department of Archeology.

Enrolled students from eight partner universities studied, researched and enjoyed the beauties of the Adriatic Sea for several days. We hope they will use the specific knowledge acquired to compete in the demanding job market after completing their study programs.

More details about this experience can be found right in the testimonials of our students.

”The EU-CONEXUS external mobility was very beneficial for me because I was able, first of all, to develop my communication skills in English and at the same time those of relating to people and working in a team. I was very excited about the diving courses, for which I gave my all. The fact that I could see an underwater archeological site and that I could enter its story, fascinated me and keeps me present in the story to this day” – David Luca.

”Together with the Underwater Archeology team I learned not only about archeology and acquired a new license in diving, but I also spent hours in a row with people from different continents, individuals who shared their stories with us, kept us with our imagination switched on and continuous suspense. I want to thank everyone, from the students from Spain and Croatia, the teacher, the instructors to the chef who took care of our culinary appetites. I look forward to the next experience with EU-CONEXUS”. Tamara Sechila.

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