
EU-CONEXUS increased the academic opportunities for PhD Students by launching the EU-CONEXUS PhD Courses’ Catalogue open to all PhD Students in the alliance. This catalogue includes courses developing transversal competencies and courses on the thematic of SmUCS (Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability) offered by the partner universities in the consortium.

Our Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students can now enroll at one or more PhD Courses provided by our partners! – Through these courses, we are aiming to expand the academic opportunities for our EU-CONEXUS PhD and postdoctoral students, including those of our associated partners, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University and Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (University of Cape Coast)

For more information click here!

Summer school

Within the framework of the PhD Summer Schools, EU-CONEXUS is providing a joint, flexible, and innovative programme, based on inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches, with learning outcomes and sessions based on leadership and professional development skills. This opportunity will boost your international research career and your focus on solving Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability challenges together with other PhD students from our Alliance and experts from more than 10 countries.

For more information click here!

PhD studies funding opportunities

Fully funded research postgraduate opportunities. For more information click here!

PhD General Framework

Information soon

PhD Cotutelle

We are delighted to officially launch a new opportunity for our PhD Students across the Alliance!

In our quality as a transnational European higher education and research alliance, we aim to address global and local challenges by tackling coastal environmental, technical, economic and societal needs. Our EU-CONEXUS PhD Level Joint Actions Team is taking another step in this direction by launching a new Call for Grants for all EU-CONEXUS PhD Students in Co-Tutelle programs in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability topics with co-supervised theses between two EU-CONEXUS partners.

We invite all eligible students to carefully go through all the information below and to apply!

For more information click here!

PhD Week

Information soon

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