UTCB Foreign Languages Summer School 2024

11 iulie 2024

Invităm studenții UTCB pasionați de limbi străine, care doresc să își îmbunătățească abilitățile de comunicare în limba engleză sau în limba franceză, să se înscrie la UTCB Foreign Languages Summer School 2024!

Înscrierile sunt deschise până la data de 20 iulie 2024 și se pot realiza prin completarea acestui formular.

Cursurile vor avea loc astfel:

Cursurile se vor desfășura online pe platforma Microsoft Teams, iar la finalul evenimentului fiecare

participant va primi un certificat de participare.

UTCB Foreign Languages Summer School 2024 este un eveniment organizat sub egida proiectului CNFIS-FDI-2024-F-0616.

UTCB Foreign Languages ​​Summer School 2024

We invite our UTCB students who are passionate about foreign languages, and who want to improve their communication skills in English or French, to enroll in the UTCB Foreign Languages ​​Summer School 2024!

Registrations are open until July 20th, 2024, registration form is here.

The courses will take place as follows:

• July 22 – August 2 – English language practice courses (2 hours per day, between 16:00 p.m. and 18:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday)

• August 5 – August 16 – French language practice courses (2 hours a day, between 16:00 and 18:00, from Monday to Friday)

The courses will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform, and at the end of the event each participant will receive a certificate of participation.

UTCB Foreign Languages ​​Summer School 2024 is an event organized under the auspices of the CNFIS-FDI-2024-F-0616 project.

UTCB Foreign Languages ​​Summer School 2024

Nous invitons les étudiants de l’UTCB passionnés par les langues étrangères, souhaitant améliorer leurs compétences en communication en anglais ou en français, à s’inscrire à UTCB Foreign Languages Summer School 2024!

Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 20 juillet 2024 et peuvent se faire en remplissant ce formulaire.

Les cours se dérouleront comme suit:

Les cours se dérouleront en ligne sur la plateforme Microsoft Teams, et à la fin de l’événement chaque participant recevra un certificat de participation. UTCB Foreign Languages Summer School 2024 est un événement organisé sous l’égide du projet CNFIS-FDI-2024-F-0616.

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